If you’re a veteran over 65 and need help paying for home care expenses, assisted living costs, or the monthly bills from a nursing home for you or your Spouse, there’s a special pension available to you from the Veteran’s Association which is called the Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit.
Only 157,000 veterans in the U.S. have applied for this benefit, yet millions more vets need to know that this program exists and receive the benefits they and their spouses are so rightly entitled to! Workshops about this benefit are given every month in the Louisville area to educate veterans, their spouses, and their widows about how to apply, what’s necessary, the medical qualifications, and the financial qualifications to be eligible to receive this special pension.
The application process is a bit tedious, but after approval, the veteran and their spouse can receive up to approximately $24,000 TAX FREE every year from the government! If you don’t live near Louisville and want to be connected to someone who specializes in this benefit in your area, just send me a note and my office will connect you to someone in your local area.